Preparation Grab an EZ bar using a medium overhand grip and lie back on an incline bench, with your feet firm on the floor. Extend your arms straight up [...]
Preparation Grasp a barbell with your hands at wider than a shoulder wide using an underhand grip (palms facing forward). Stand upright, with straight back [...]
Preparation Grasp a barbell at around shoulder width apart using an underhand grip (palms facing forward) and sit at the end of a flat bench with the [...]
Preparation Grab an EZ bar using a medium overhand grip and sit on the end of a flat bench with the bar on your thighs. Bring the bar up to your chest and [...]
Preparation Grasp a barbell at around shoulder width apart using an underhand grip (palms facing forward). Stand upright, with straight back, feet about [...]
Preparation For best performance and safety purposes use a power rack to execute the Floor Bench Press Close-Grip. Set the hooks or supports up in a power [...]
Preparation Lie back on a flat bench and put your legs firm on the floor. Grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing forward) with your hands about [...]
Overview The barbell incline bench press is a variation of the Barbell bench press which works the upper part of the chest muscle. As a basic multi-joint [...]
Overview The decline barbell bench press is great mass building exercise for the lower part of the chest muscle. If you don’t have problems with the [...]
Overview The floor bench press is a basic multi-joint movement which can help you to improve your bench. The exercise works in a shorter range of motion [...]
Preparation For best performance and safety purposes use a power rack to execute the exercise. Set the hooks or supports up in a power rack at a height [...]
Preparation Lie back on flat bench with eyes slightly below the bar. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing [...]
Preparation In the beginning of reverse grip bench press lie back on flat bench with eyes slightly below the bar. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp [...]
Preparation Lie back on a flat bench and put your legs firm on the floor. Grasp the bar with underhand grip (palms facing your head) with your hands around [...]
Preparation Lie back on incline bench. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with supinated grip (palms facing backward) with your hands at [...]
Preparation Lie back on flat bench with eyes slightly below the bar. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing [...]
Preparation Secure your legs/ ankles at the padding and slowly lay down on the bench. Grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing forward) with your [...]
Preparation Lie back on incline bench. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing your feet) with your hands at the [...]
Preparation Lie back on flat bench with eyes slightly below the bar. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing [...]
Overview A few exercises deserved to be defined as classic. But without a doubt the T-bar row is one of them. Since of the Golden era of the bodybuilding [...]
Overview If you have to choose only one exercise you have to perform to have a great back this is definitely the bent over barbell row. This exercise hit [...]
Preparation To perform the deadlift first set a barbell with desired weight on the ground in front of you. Put your feet right beneath the bar with [...]
Overview The overhead squat is part of the snatch – movement from the Olympic weightlifting. It is basic multi-joint movement which requires a good [...]
Overview The barbell stationary lunges is basic multi-joint movement for the lower body muscles. It is great for developing the glutes and the hamstrings, [...]
Overview The barbell step up is great compound movement for the lower body muscles. It works mainly the glutes and the hamstrings muscles but almost every [...]
Overview The sumo deadlift is a great variation of the conventionally deadlift. It is popular mainly among the powerlifters and it’s almost impossible to [...]
Preparation To perform the stiff legged deadlifts first set a barbell with desired weight on rack. Grasp the bar using a shoulder width overhand grip, with [...]
Preparation To perform the romanian deadlift first set a barbell with desired weight on rack. Grasp the bar using a shoulder width overhand grip, with your [...]
Preparation For best results and safety purposes use a squat rack. The bar must be placed just below a shoulder level. To begin the exercise step under the [...]
Preparation For best results and safety purposes use a squat rack. The bar must be placed just below a shoulder level. To begin the exercise step under the [...]
Overview The barbell full squat is one of the most effective and hard exercises that you can perform. It’s great for the developing of the leg muscles and [...]
Overview The barbell squat is deserved called ’’The king of the exercises’’ there is no other exercise (except the Deadlift) that can stimulate such a [...]
Overview The military press behind the neck are great exercise for developing the front and side head of the shoulders and the overall power of the upper [...]
Overview The shrugs are one of the most effective ways to train your traps muscles. They force the trapezius muscles to do one of their main function to [...]
Overview If you want a really big trapezius muscles definitely you have to put the behind the back barbell shrugs in the list with your exercises. As you [...]
Overview The standing barbell front raise is isolated movement for shoulders. It works mainly the front head of the deltoid muscle and a little bit of the [...]
Overview The seated barbell shoulder press is a compound, multi joint exercise which develop the front and side head of the shoulders. As every press [...]
Overview The seated barbell shoulder press behind the neck are basic multi joint exercise for the shoulder muscles. As a compound movement which involves [...]