The dumbbell Flyes is great isolation movement for the chest muscles. All the movements type ’’Flyes’’ are working primarily on the chest muscles unlike the movement’s type ’’Press’’ in which we have triceps involvement. That’s why the dumbbell flyes is an essential exercise which we could use to pre-exhaust the chest in the beginning of our workout or to finish the chest workout without the triceps strength limit our performance.
Position set of dumbbells at the end of a flat bench.Pick up the dumbbells of the floor using a neutral grip (palms facing inward), place the dumbbells at the end of your thighs and sit down at the edge of flat bench. Then push the dumbbells with your thighs and lie back on the bench, with the dumbbells straight up above your middle chest, at shoulder width. Bend your elbows slightly and keep it in this position during the movement. The dumbbells should be at 10-15 centimeters from each other. This will be your starting position.
Inhale and start to slowly lower the weights out and down in a big arc until your upper arms stand parallel to the floor and you feel a good stretch in your chest muscles. After you reach the lower position carefully change the direction of the movement and bring up the dumbbells in the same big arc without bending in your elbows as when you doing press movement. When you reach the top make a good peak contraction and squeeze your pecs as you exhale.
- During the movement concentrate on keeping your elbows slightly bended and stationary the movement should only occur the shoulder joint.
- Do not touch the dumbbells at the top, keep them about 10-15 cm. apart, this would help you to keep constant tension on the pectoralis muscles and will lead to a better development.
- Perform the negative phase twice longer than the positive.
- Use a spotter for your heavy sets.