Overview The cable triceps kikcback with rope is great finishing exercise for triceps. It gives you constant tension during the movement and great peak [...]
Overview The triceps cable pushdown is one of the most popular triceps exercises. It is comparable easy for performing and has it place in the routines of [...]
Overview The triceps rope extensions are great isolating exercise for the triceps. They work on the three heads of the triceps especially on the outer [...]
Overview The incline dumbbell curl is great isolation movement for biceps. It works the biceps muscle from stretched position which puts the emphasis on [...]
Overview The triceps dips are one of the best basic old school exercises which are beneficial for everybody – from the beginner to the advanced. They are [...]
Preparation Grasp a dumbbell and sit at the high end of decline bench with the dumbbell at the top of your thigh. Secure your legs/ ankles at the padding, [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and sit at the end of a flat bench with the dumbbells at the top of your thighs. Then lie on the bench (with your head [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and sit at the end of an incline bench with the dumbbells at the end of your thighs. Then lie on the bench and bring the [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and sit at the high end of decline bench with the dumbbells at the top of your thighs. Secure your legs/ ankles at the [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and sit at the end of a flat bench with the dumbbells at the top of your thighs. Then lie on the bench (with your head [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and sit at the end of an incline bench with the dumbbells at the end of your thighs. Then lie on the bench and bring the [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and sit at the high end of decline bench with the dumbbells at the top of your thighs. Secure your legs/ ankles at the [...]
Preparation Grab an EZ bar using a medium overhand grip and lie back on an incline bench, with your feet firm on the floor. Extend your arms straight up [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and sit at the end of a flat bench with your back straight and hands to sides (palms facing your body). This will be [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and sit at the end of a flat bench with your back straight and hands to sides (palms facing your body). This will be [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and sit at the end of a flat bench with your back straight and hands to sides (palms facing your body). This will be [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and sit at the end of a flat bench with your back straight and hands to sides (palms facing forward). This will be your [...]
Preparation Grasp a dumbbell and stand upright with your hand to side and palm facing your body. Position your feet about 15-20cm. apart and keep your [...]
Preparation Grasp a dumbbell and stand upright with your hand to side and palm facing forward. Position your feet about 15-20cm. apart and keep your knees [...]
Preparation Grasp a dumbbell and stand upright with your hand to side and palm facing forward. Position your feet about 15-20cm. apart and keep your knees [...]
Preparation Grasp dumbbell and sit at the end of a flat bench with your back straight and hand to side (palm facing forward). This will be your starting [...]
Preparation Grasp a dumbbell and sit at the end of a flat bench with your back straight and hand to side (palm facing forward). This will be your starting [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and stand upright with your hand to sides and palms facing in. Position your feet about 15-20cm. apart and keep your [...]
Preparation Grasp dumbbell and sit at the end of a flat bench with your back straight and hand to side (palms facing your body). This will be your starting [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and stand upright with your hand to sides and palms facing in. Position your feet about 15-20cm. apart and keep your [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and stand upright with your hand to sides and palms facing in. Position your feet about 15-20cm. apart and keep your [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and sit at the end of a flat bench with your back straight and hands to sides (palms facing your body). This will be [...]
Preparation Grasp a barbell with your hands at wider than a shoulder wide using an underhand grip (palms facing forward). Stand upright, with straight back [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and stand upright with your hand to sides and palms facing forward. Position your feet about 15-20cm. apart and keep [...]
Preparation Grasp a barbell at around shoulder width apart using an underhand grip (palms facing forward) and sit at the end of a flat bench with the [...]
Preparation Grab an EZ bar using a medium overhand grip and sit on the end of a flat bench with the bar on your thighs. Bring the bar up to your chest and [...]
Preparation Grasp a barbell at around shoulder width apart using an underhand grip (palms facing forward). Stand upright, with straight back, feet about [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and stand upright with your hand to sides and palms facing forward. Position your feet about 15-20cm. apart and keep [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells and stand upright with your hand to sides and palms facing in. Position your feet about 15-20cm. apart and keep your [...]
Preparation For best performance and safety purposes use a power rack to execute the Floor Bench Press Close-Grip. Set the hooks or supports up in a power [...]
Preparation Place a flat bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on the [...]
Preparation Lie back on a flat bench and put your legs firm on the floor. Grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing forward) with your hands about [...]
Overview The main difference between the regular bench press and the machine bench press is the fact that when you perform the bench press on a machine you [...]
Overview The wide grip push ups are great exercise for developing upper body strength, core stability and building the chest muscles. They can be easily [...]
Chest dips overview The chest dip is a great mass and strength building exercise that can help you to improve your lower chest, shoulders and triceps. They [...]
Overview For most of the people the upper chest area is the most difficult for developing but if your lower chest area is weak you must perform the decline [...]
Overview The incline dumbbell flyes is one of the best upper chest exercise. The exercise hit the outer part of the upper chest muscles. As well as the [...]
Overview The dumbbell Flyes is great isolation movement for the chest muscles. All the movements type ’’Flyes’’ are working primarily on the chest muscles [...]
Preparation Position one dumbbell at the end of a flat bench. Pick up the dumbbell of the floor using a neutral grip (palm facing inward), place the [...]
Preparation Place an incline bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on [...]
Preparation Position one dumbbell at the end of incline bench. Pick up the dumbbell of the floor using a neutral grip (palm facing inward), place the [...]
Preparation Position one dumbbell at the end of a flat bench. Pick up the dumbbell of the floor using a neutral grip (palm facing inward), place the [...]
Overview The incline dumbbell bench press is one of the best exercise for building the upper chest. The dumbbells gives you bigger free of movement and [...]
Overview The barbell incline bench press is a variation of the Barbell bench press which works the upper part of the chest muscle. As a basic multi-joint [...]
Overview The decline barbell bench press is great mass building exercise for the lower part of the chest muscle. If you don’t have problems with the [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells using a neutral grip (palms facing inward), position the dumbbells at the top of your thighs and sit down at the high [...]
Preparation Grasp a dumbbell using a neutral grip (palm facing inward), position the dumbbell at the top of your thigh and sit down at the high end of [...]
Preparation Place a decline bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Secure your [...]
Preparation Place a decline bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Secure your [...]
Overview The dumbbell bench press is basic chest exercise which works primary the middle part of the chests. They are great mass and strength building [...]
Overview The floor bench press is a basic multi-joint movement which can help you to improve your bench. The exercise works in a shorter range of motion [...]
Preparation For best performance and safety purposes use a power rack to execute the exercise. Set the hooks or supports up in a power rack at a height [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells using a neutral grip (palms facing inward), position the dumbbells at the top of your thighs and sit down at the high [...]
Preparation Position set of dumbbells at the end of a flat bench. Pick up the dumbbells of the floor using a neutral grip (palms facing inward), place them [...]
Preparation Position one dumbbell at the end of incline bench. Pick up the dumbbell of the floor using a neutral grip (palm facing inward), place the [...]
Preparation Place an incline bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on [...]
Preparation Place an incline bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on [...]
Preparation Place an incline bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on [...]
Preparation Lie back on flat bench with eyes slightly below the bar. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing [...]
Preparation In the beginning of reverse grip bench press lie back on flat bench with eyes slightly below the bar. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp [...]
Preparation Lie back on a flat bench and put your legs firm on the floor. Grasp the bar with underhand grip (palms facing your head) with your hands around [...]
Preparation Lie back on incline bench. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with supinated grip (palms facing backward) with your hands at [...]
Preparation Place a flat bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on the [...]
Preparation Place a flat bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on the [...]
Preparation Place a flat bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on the [...]
Preparation Lie back on flat bench with eyes slightly below the bar. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing [...]
Preparation Secure your legs/ ankles at the padding and slowly lay down on the bench. Grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing forward) with your [...]
Preparation Lie back on incline bench. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing your feet) with your hands at the [...]
Preparation Position set of dumbbells at the end of incline bench. Pick up the dumbbells of the floor using a neutral grip (palms facing inward), place the [...]
Preparation Lie back on flat bench with eyes slightly below the bar. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing [...]
Overview Russian twist is one of the greatest complex exercises for abs. It works almost all of the abdominal muscle and combines the training of two of [...]
Overview The side plank is a great exercise for strengthening the obliques and the entire mid section. The obliques muscles have a major role in the [...]
Overview The main function of the abdominal muscles in our life and in the most important exercises as squats, deadlifts, military presses is to support [...]
Overview The crunches are maybe not the best abs exercise but they are the most popular. They target the upper part of the abdominal muscles and performed [...]
Overview The toe touchers are great exercise for developing the upper part of the abdominal muscles. They can be performed everywhere and they don’t [...]
Overview Compared with the traditional crunches the decline crunches are the better and the toughest exercise. They provide a greater range of motion, [...]
Overview The leg raise on parallel bars are popular and very effective core exercise for intermediate and advanced athletes. They target the tension to the [...]
Preparation Grab a bar and hang. Make sure that your feet don’t touch the floor. Execution Inhale and hold your breath as you as you bring your legs [...]
Overview The behind the neck cable pulldown is very popular variation of the cable pulldown in front of the chest. Both exercise hits the lat muscles in a [...]
Overview A few exercises deserved to be defined as classic. But without a doubt the T-bar row is one of them. Since of the Golden era of the bodybuilding [...]
Overview The close grip cable pulldown is a great back exercise if you know how to perform it. Because of the underhand grip you have some help from the [...]
Overview The wide grip lat pulldown is a very effective and popular exercise for the back muscles. It works the whole upper back area and also the lats [...]
Overview If you have to choose only one exercise you have to perform to have a great back this is definitely the bent over barbell row. This exercise hit [...]
Overview The row on a low row machine is good substitute exercise for all type of free weight row movements. If you have back injury and you have to reduce [...]
Overview The pulldown on a lat pulldown machine is good variation of the regular cable pulldown. It turns of the need stabilizing muscles and you work [...]