The bodyweight squat is maybe the first exercise which you have to learn in the beginning of your fitness trainings. It will give you correct posture and stability in all musle groups. It is also great warming up exercise and for the advanced trainees could be used as good cardio exercise
Stand upright with your feet wider than your shoulder width. Cross your arms in front of you and keep them parallel to the floor. Slightly bend your knees, laid back your hips and puff your chest out. This is your starting position.
Breathe in and begin the squat by sitting back with your hips and flexing your knees. Continue the movement until your thighs are parallel to the floor and then return back to starting position as you breathe out.
- Keep the head up and maintain a straight back in entire movement.
- Keep bodyweight on heels, not on the toes, to prevent unnecessarily strain on your knees.
- Point your knees in the same direction as feet throughout the movement.
- Don’t lock out your knees at the top of the movement, this would help you to reduce the pressure of your knees and to keep the tension on your legs muscles.