Overview The main difference between the regular bench press and the machine bench press is the fact that when you perform the bench press on a machine you [...]
Overview The wide grip push ups are great exercise for developing upper body strength, core stability and building the chest muscles. They can be easily [...]
Chest dips overview The chest dip is a great mass and strength building exercise that can help you to improve your lower chest, shoulders and triceps. They [...]
Overview For most of the people the upper chest area is the most difficult for developing but if your lower chest area is weak you must perform the decline [...]
Overview The incline dumbbell flyes is one of the best upper chest exercise. The exercise hit the outer part of the upper chest muscles. As well as the [...]
Overview The dumbbell Flyes is great isolation movement for the chest muscles. All the movements type ’’Flyes’’ are working primarily on the chest muscles [...]
Preparation Position one dumbbell at the end of a flat bench. Pick up the dumbbell of the floor using a neutral grip (palm facing inward), place the [...]
Preparation Place an incline bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on [...]
Preparation Position one dumbbell at the end of incline bench. Pick up the dumbbell of the floor using a neutral grip (palm facing inward), place the [...]
Preparation Position one dumbbell at the end of a flat bench. Pick up the dumbbell of the floor using a neutral grip (palm facing inward), place the [...]
Overview The incline dumbbell bench press is one of the best exercise for building the upper chest. The dumbbells gives you bigger free of movement and [...]
Overview The barbell incline bench press is a variation of the Barbell bench press which works the upper part of the chest muscle. As a basic multi-joint [...]
Overview The decline barbell bench press is great mass building exercise for the lower part of the chest muscle. If you don’t have problems with the [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells using a neutral grip (palms facing inward), position the dumbbells at the top of your thighs and sit down at the high [...]
Preparation Grasp a dumbbell using a neutral grip (palm facing inward), position the dumbbell at the top of your thigh and sit down at the high end of [...]
Preparation Place a decline bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Secure your [...]
Preparation Place a decline bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Secure your [...]
Overview The dumbbell bench press is basic chest exercise which works primary the middle part of the chests. They are great mass and strength building [...]
Overview The floor bench press is a basic multi-joint movement which can help you to improve your bench. The exercise works in a shorter range of motion [...]
Preparation For best performance and safety purposes use a power rack to execute the exercise. Set the hooks or supports up in a power rack at a height [...]
Preparation Grasp set of dumbbells using a neutral grip (palms facing inward), position the dumbbells at the top of your thighs and sit down at the high [...]
Preparation Position set of dumbbells at the end of a flat bench. Pick up the dumbbells of the floor using a neutral grip (palms facing inward), place them [...]
Preparation Position one dumbbell at the end of incline bench. Pick up the dumbbell of the floor using a neutral grip (palm facing inward), place the [...]
Preparation Place an incline bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on [...]
Preparation Place an incline bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on [...]
Preparation Place an incline bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on [...]
Preparation Lie back on flat bench with eyes slightly below the bar. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing [...]
Preparation In the beginning of reverse grip bench press lie back on flat bench with eyes slightly below the bar. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp [...]
Preparation Lie back on a flat bench and put your legs firm on the floor. Grasp the bar with underhand grip (palms facing your head) with your hands around [...]
Preparation Lie back on incline bench. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with supinated grip (palms facing backward) with your hands at [...]
Preparation Place a flat bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on the [...]
Preparation Place a flat bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on the [...]
Preparation Place a flat bench under the smith machine and set the barbell at a height that you can reach with almost fully extended hands. Lie back on the [...]
Preparation Lie back on flat bench with eyes slightly below the bar. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing [...]
Preparation Secure your legs/ ankles at the padding and slowly lay down on the bench. Grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing forward) with your [...]
Preparation Lie back on incline bench. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing your feet) with your hands at the [...]
Preparation Position set of dumbbells at the end of incline bench. Pick up the dumbbells of the floor using a neutral grip (palms facing inward), place the [...]
Preparation Lie back on flat bench with eyes slightly below the bar. Put your feet firm on the floor and grasp the bar with overhand grip (palms facing [...]